Sunday, September 6, 2009


Well, I know it's been a while since I blogged, but I have been very, very busy! Back to school time has been hectic, and we have been passing a bug around our house that has caused us all to have high fevers and sore throats. I had it twice, and now have a lovely sinus infection that is taking its sweet time.

On to the good news! I had to buy a couple new items of clothing because I was on the last hole in my belt, and my clothes were not just looking loose, they were starting to look a little bit ridiculous. I hated to spend money considering I'm not at my goal weight yet, but I got to the point where I had to. Well, for the first time in YEARS, I bought clothes from the petites and misses sections! I didn't have to go to the plus size section at all! I was thrilled! I got weighed 3 days ago, and I am down to 192 pounds, for a total loss of roughly 35 pounds. I am so proud of myself! I went out to eat twice in one day during my last loss period, but I still lost 6 pounds because I was very, very careful and ate under 1200 cals the other days to try and make up for it.

I also took a Zumba class with my girlfriend, Stacie, who also just started dieting and has lost 10 pounds (way to go, Stacie!). She was so-so on it, but I loved it! It was very confusing at times, but it was so upbeat that I had a very good time and a good workout to boot! I am looking at joining the Y so we can encourage each other to do more workouts together. She lives just a few streets over from me and has a comparable schedule, so we are going to try and help each other. My son is best friends with her son, so we see a lot of each other.

I am now fitting comfortably into a size 16 for pants, and a size large shirt. I feel great! I'm so thankful for my friend Ang encouraging me to try what I am doing! It has been expensive between the appointments and the clothes, but it has been worth every penny! Yay!!


  1. wat to go Tara! reallllly awesome job!!

  2. You are doing awesome girl! It's nice to have a workout buddy too!
