Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Down 45 pounds now!

Hello, folks! I know it's been a long time since my last blog. I wanted to let you all know that I am down 45 pounds since June 18th! I have been working out at the Y like crazy, which I'm sure is helping. It's only possible now that I have a job with flexible hours because I never would've taken time away from my boys to do this (at least, not to this extent, ya know?). My friend Stacie and I have been encouraging each other! We've done Zumba, spin class (I am numb in places I didn't even know I had!), and all kinds of cardio. I'm learning many of the weight machines, too. They are all like the ones I used in college, but I still feel a little bit intimidated by them!

My size 16's are getting baggy everywhere but my hips. I haven't seem to lose much in that area, which is strange. They are super baggy in the thighs, which is where I've traditionally had the most difficulty losing weight. Not sure what's up with that!

The diet is still going well, although I must admit, when I have PMS, all bets are off. I try to stick to it the best I can, but hormones make me feel so hungry, and I end up eating more than I usually would by 200 calories or so. Fortunately, I still managed to lose some weight :) I have also taken in some extra calories while I've been exercising, I think b/c my body knows it needs more. But again, I'm still losing, so I'm not going to stress over it.

Time goes by so quickly, that I can't believe 45 pounds is gone already. It happened more quickly than I ever imagined! My nurse is very proud and happy for me. My skin is breaking out like CRAZY, which may or not be exacerbated by the B12 injections, so we are putting those on hold for the time being. I get weighed in next Monday, and who knows? Maybe I'll be down 50 lbs :)


  1. Congrats congrats congrats!

    Yes it's taken me a long long time to get around to reading blogs lately lol.

    You are awesome Tara!

  2. So proud of you! You look fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!
